
3 School Fundraising Mistakes That Might Cost You

If you have a school fundraiser you obviously want to earn money for your school, but are you earning as much with each fundraiser as possible? By identifying problems with your fundraising strategy you can increase your earnings and have more profits available to pay for new text books, playground equipment and school field trips. Thermbt fanaka gtx e are many ways that your school may be able to earn more, but let's look at three common school fundraising problems.

Losing Orders

In a catalog school fundraiser every order means money for your school. Each and every order is valuable to your school. In the chaotic hustle of fundraising it can be easy to misplace order forms and to miss out on profits. Losing orders will cost your school money and will frustrate buyers which could lead to a lack of support on future school fundraisers. It is essential to keep track of each and every order that is placed. This task can be a lot of work, so consider asking a volunteer to help you stay organized and to keep track of fundraising order forms. Create an organizational system from the first day of your schoolmbt boots sale fundraiser so that you don't risk losing or misplacing any orders.

Students also commonly misplace or forget to turn in their school fundraising order forms. One of the easiest ways to lessen the occurrence of this problem is to encourage students to turn in orders as they come in, rather than forcing them to wait until a set date at the end of the fundraiser. This way students won't have to worry about losing their fundraising packet or forgetting to turn their orders in. You may also want to have all students turn in order forms, even if they haven't made a sale, so that you can kisumu 2 be sure that every students order is accounted for.

Choosing the Wrong Fundraising Company

The school fundraising company that you select will determine how much money you earn with your fundraisers. Simply changing fundraising companies can dramatically increase the amount you earn with each fundraiser. Comparing rates from multiple companies will help you to see what your profit possibilities are. Your school's profits can vary depending on the type of fundraiser that you select so be sure to compare a few different types of fundraisers within each company. Any fees that you will have to pay will impact the fundraiser's profitability so be sure to ask if there are any shipping, handling or other fees that you will have to pay.

Only Holding One Yearly Fundraiser

If your school only holds one or two fundraisers each year, you are missing out on profits. If you increase the number of school fundraisers you hold you can easily double or triple your earnings. Adding a few new fundraisers to your school's schedule is a simple way to earn more. Try to vary the type of fundraisers that you hold; if you already have a cookie dough fundraiser in the spring, consider holding a gift wrap fundraiser in the fall. You may also want to hold a school carnival or start a recycling program. Your school will earn more when you fundraise more often.

Increase your school fundraising earnings today by trying a few of these helpful ideas. As you earn more through fundraising your students will really benefit.

