
School Fundraising - Answers to Questions About Cookie Dough Fundraisers

If you are planning a cookie school fundraiser you might have a few questions in mind. Your school fundraising provider is the best place to find specific answers to your questions, but here are some general answers to common questions about this type of fundraiser. Hopefully by reading this article you will find some of the answers that you nwhat the dunk sb for sale eed so that you can decide if this fundraiser is right for you.

Are Cookie Dough Fundraisers Profitable?

Cookie fundraisers can be very profitable. Most fundraising companies offer schools a percentage of each dollar earned. For example you might receive 40 or 50 cents from each dollar that you collect. This means that if you sell $10,000 worth of dough you can earn $4,000 or even $5,000 worth of profit.

One reason that cookie fundraisers are so profitable is the ease of selling this product. Pebatman nike dunks ople love fresh made cookies, but they are a lot of effort to make. People are often willing to purchase cookie dough so that they can enjoy fresh from the oven cookies without having to make them. You should be able to find plenty of people willing to purchase cookies and support your school.

What is the Most Difficult Part of a Cookie Fundraiser?

Overall this type of fundraiser is very easy to manage. Most fundraising companies will provide your school with everything you will need for a successful fundraiser from order forms to product. This makes it very easy to plan and coordinate your fundraiser. The most difficult part of this fundraiser will be product distribution.

Cookie dough is a perishable product which means that it must be kept cold at all times. Many schools lack the refrigerator space to store cases of cookie which means that all of the dough will need to passed out to students on the same day. This requires a lot of coordination with parents. Many schools assign times for pickup and encourage parents to take the cookie dough to the purchasers quickly so that it doesn't spoil.

Some school fundraising companies have an interesting solution to this problem. You may be able to hold a voucher sale instead of selling the cookies directly. Students will sell family and friend's coupons that can be later redeemed for cookies. Once these vouchers are received they are turned into the cookie dough company and the product is shipped directly to the purchaser. This eliminates the distribution hassle for the school selling cookie dough.

How Do I Choose a Great Supplier?

Choosing your cookie dough supplier is one of the most important parts of holding a cookie school fundraiser. Make sure that you find a cookie dough company that offers delicious dough. The best companies make their cookies fresh using high quality ingredients like real vanilla, fresh butter and melt in your mouth chocolate chips. High quality ingredients will result in high quality cookies. Talk with other schools and ask which fundraising company they use or do a little research and compare a few of the top companies.

Cookie dough school fundraisers are a great way to earn money for your school. They are easy to run, profitable and a lot of fun.

