
School Fundraising Tips - 9 Ideas for High School Students Fundraising

Your school can use school fundraising to earn extra money and to increase the school's budget. Many schools use their fundraising earnings to pay for programs that they could otherwise not afford like art, sports and music programs. Here are nine ideas for potential fundraisers that would be great choices for high school aged students.

Sell Candy Bars and Other Treats

High school students love selling candy bars and other tvibram five fingers sale reats. Your school will simply purchase cases of treats and then have students sell them to classmates, family, friends and community members. Your school can sell almost any type of candy from chocolate bars to gummy candies to suckers. You may want to include some healthy or sugar free treats as well. This type of school fundraiser is a tasty way to earn money.

Sell Plants and Garden Supplies

If you are looking for a great springtime fundraiser, consider selling garden products and supplies. The easiest way to sell garden products is to work with a school fundraising company, so checkmbt ema sandals with yours to see if this fundraising option is available.

School Car Washes

Holding a car wash is another great way to earn money for your school. If you do decide to hold a car wash fundraiser, consider selling tickets in advance as this can increase your profits. This fundraiser will require a convenient location with lots of water available.

Sell Gourmet Treats and Delicacies

Selling gourmet treats and food products is a great way to ensure that your fundraiser will appeal to many different purchasers. Try to find a fundraising catalog with a wide selection of tasty produmbt salama sandals cts. Purchasers especially enjoy buying candies, cheese spreads, meats and other gourmet items. By offering many different products you will appeal to more customers and your school will earn more money.

Sell Holiday Gifts

The holidays are a great time to hold a school fundraiser. You will find many people that are willing to support your school by purchasing from your school's fundraising catalog. Holiday fundraisers allow people to get their holiday shopping done easily while raising money for your school. If you decide to sell holiday gift items make sure that they are distributed a few weeks before winter break.

Sell Student Artwork

Selling student artwork is a great way for art classes and clubs to earn money. This fundraiser allows community members to support student art by bring home a student created masterpiece. Students love seeing their work on display and being able to play an active role in the fundraising process.

Sell Cookie Dough

Selling cookie dough is both fun and easy because everyone loves a fresh baked cookie. Make sure that you find a school fundraising company that offers many types of tasty cookie dough to sell. The best tasting cookie dough will come from companies that strive to use fresh, high quality ingredients in all of their dough.

School Carnival

A school carnival is a large scale fundraiser that allows many organizations and clubs to work together to earn money. The carnival can be planned as a collaboration of several school groups and each group can earn money by running carnival booths. You can hold a carnival for students only or may decide to invite the community to participate.

School Play Ticket Sales

If you sell tickets to school plays, concerts and productions you can earn money for your schools drama and music departments. Ticket sales are a great way to earn money while helping to cover the cost of school plays and concerts. Students are often excited to sell tickets to their play or concert to their family and friends.

Use one of these great school fundraising ideas for high school students as you plan your next fundraiser. These fundraising ideas will help your school to earn extra money this year.

