
Cookie Dough Fundraisers - Answers to Common Questions

Cookie fundraisers can be a little confusing and it is common to have a few questions. Your dough provider will have the best answers to specific fundraising questions, but here are answers to three common questions. Keep reading to learn more about selling cookies so that you can decide if this is the right fundraiser for you.

Do Cmbt shuguli gtx ookie Dough Fundraisers Earn Money?

Schools love cookie fundraisers because they are a very profitable fundraising option. Most of the time your school will earn a percentage of each item sold. Your school may receive 40 or 50 cents from each dollar that your school is able to collect. If your students sell $10,000 worth of cookie dough then your school will receive as much as $5,000 dollars.

Cookie fundraisers can earn a lot of money because people are very willing to purchase the product. Cookies are delicious, but can take a lot of effort to make. People will be willing to buy dough so they can enjoy delicious, fresh cookies without having to go to the effort of making them. Plenty of people will sshuguli gtx black upport your school by purchasing cookie dough.

What is the Most Difficult Part of Selling Cookie Dough?

Cookie fundraisers are generally pretty easy to plan and to manage. If you work with a fundraising company you will receive everything you need for the fundraiser. This makes planning a fundraiser very easy. The most difficult part of a cookie fundraiser is getting the product to the purchaser.

Since cookie dough is perishable it must be stored in a refrigerator. Since most schools don't have the fridge space to store dough they have to find ways to pass out the product quickly. This means that the school will have to coordinate with parents to find a good distribution schedule for everyone.

Parents may need to pick-up the prodrafiki gtx otter uct and quickly take it to those that have purchased from their child.

To make cookie sales easier some fundraising companies have created a unique solution to this problem. Some companies let schools sell cookie dough vouchers so that schools won't have to worry about perishable dough. In a voucher sale, students sell coupons for fresh cookie to family and friends. Once the voucher is received it can be turned in and cookie dough will be sent directly to the purchaser. This makes selling cookies much easier.

How Should My School Choose a Cookie Dough Supplier?

The success of your school fundraiser will largely depend on the dough supplier that you choose. Choosing a provider known for providing top quality cookie is very important. Try to find a cookie dough company that makes fresh cookie using high quality ingredients like butter, sugar and flour. Cookies taste more delicious when they are made using fresh ingredients. Consider asking for recommendations or contacting several fundraising companies so that you can compare.

If your school needs a great fundraising option, they should consider selling cookies. Selling cookies is a profitable and enjoyable school fundraising option.

