Cookie dough fundraiser projects are considered very profitable in the fundraising industry today due to its simplicity and effectiveness in raising funds. Even novice fundraising organizers will find this kind of fundraising idea very easy to organize and can easily reach their target income in no time. The only problem when choosing this type of product is that they can easily spoil if not stored properly. Your overall expenses will increase if you don't have enough storage capabilities that will keep your products from spoiling. In this article, I am going to teach you important tips and strategies that will help your cookie dough products stay fresh before it reaches your customers.
Even though cookie dough fundraiser campaigns are profitable and easy to organize, cookie dough products are very sensitive in temperature. Too much moisture or heat will easily spoil them so always ensure that you have sufficient storage capabilities before venturing in this kind of fundraising idea. In order to ensure the freshness of your dough products, you have to assign a logistics team that would handle the storage and delivery of your dough to your customers. Your logistics team will be responsible for handling your products from your suppliers to your storage areas down to your customers. This process is very important since you don't want your cookie dough to spoil along the way and increase your overall expenses. Forming your own logistics team is very easy; you just need to train them on how to properly handle food products that would ensure their freshness before reaching their designated destinations. Your team should also take note the expiration dates of every cookie dough product that they would handle to ensure that they will not expire soon. Teach them how to properly distribute the products to customer and what kind of safety measures they are going to incorporate in order to maintain the quality of the merchandises. The old stocks should be distributed first so that you can maximize the expiration time each cookie dough product. This will also ensure that when your products reach your customers, they are still fresh and consumable.
Aside from making sure that your teams are well-versed in handling your products, you should also prepare adequate storing equipments for your cookie dough such as containers, refrigerators and storage areas. Since you are dealing with food products that are sensitive to temperature changes, you need to ensure that your storage areas can maintain a sufficient room temperature for them. Your storage areas should also be free from any dirt that might enter from the outside as well as maintaining its cleanliness. Your refrigerators should also have the capability to store your products before you can distribute them to your customers. Even though the cost of maintaining a storage house in quiet expensive on your part, this will ensure that your products will stay fresh for your customers to consume. Maintaining the quality of your products is one of the most important tasks that you need to consider in dealing with cookie dough. This assures you that your fundraiser will become profitable and people will continue to support you all throughout your fundraising operation.