
Cookie Dough Fundraising: How To Prepare Your Volunteers

One of the main reasons why some cookie dough fundraising projects succeed exponentially is because their volunteers are very good in encouraging people to join their cause. The support of your customers is the single most important aspect that determines the success of any fundraising campaign. As a fundraising organizer, it is your job to make sure that your volunteers are well-experienced in the art of selling and persuading customers to purchase their products. In this article, I am going to show you how to prepare and train your volunteers for your sales fundraiser.

It is already a known fact that cookie dough fundraising projects are easy money makers. Even novice and first-time fundraising organizers will find that these kind of fundraisers are very easy to organize and very profitable. But you have to remember that without meticulous planning and preparation, your fundraising campaign would never work out. It is highly recommended that you prepare everything first before letting your volunteers venture out and do the selling process. Before preparing an effective sales pitch for your volunteers to use, you must first orient them on how to properly approach people to join your cause. Teach them how to properly dress so that they would impress their customers right there and then.

Make sure that their clothing is presentable enough and would reflect their over-all personality. Let them feel comfortable with what they are doing so that when they face their customers, they would be confident in front of them. Being confident is very important since this will attract the attention of your customers even before they have started introducing their selves. Another material that you need to prepare is the sales brochure of your volunteers. Sales brochures will help your volunteers summarize every product that they will offer to customers so make sure that they are presented beautifully in order to easily attract their attention and interest. Your brochures should also be capable of catching the curiosity of your customers easily so that your volunteers will not have a hard time explaining everything to them. Remember that when customers are already interested in what you are saying, there is an 80% chance that they would purchase the products.

Sales pitch is a series of sentences meant to be delivered in front of the customers that describe the purpose of the entire fundraising operation. These sentences must clearly define why you are fundraising, who will benefit from it and how customers can help out. Your sales pitch must also be interesting and appealing to the customers to listen since your volunteers are only given a few minutes to further elaborate your fundraiser. If your volunteers cannot entice the curiosity and interest of the customers, chances are they would not make a successful sale. Make sure that your volunteers are well-trained on how to properly talk to people so that they can easily encourage them to participate in your fundraiser. Utilizing lines such "we need your support" in your sales pitch are very effective and highly recommended since this will denote that you need the help of customers. People will generally help others when they see that you genuinely need their support.

