
Answer the Only Question Non-Profit Donors Have and You'll Raise More Money Fundraising

Your donors have only one question that bothers them.

If you want to acquire more donors, you have to answer it. If you want to raise more net revenue, you need to answer it. And if you want to increase the lifetime value of your donors, you must answer it.

Here's their question: "How will my donation changmoncler quincy jackets sale e the world?"

Donors are confused
Donors ask this question for a number of reasons. For one thing, they're confused. If they live in Canada and want to support an organization that helps children with cancer, for example, should they donate to the Childhood Cancer Foundation, Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Research Society, Cancer Recovery Foundation of Canada, Coast to Coast Against Cancer, Wellspring Camoncler rentilly jacket for men ncer Support Foundation, Terry Fox Run, or someone else?

Many donors don't know. Or can't decide. So given that your non-profit organization has competitors who do similar work, you must tell prospective and current donors exactly how you will use their gift to transform lives. Otherwise your donors may donate somewhere else.

Donors have limited funds
There's another reason you must tell your donors how their gift will make the world a better place. Some of them are on a fixed income. Others just retired. More than a few have student debt. Or other kinds of debt. Some are broke. Either way, they can't support as many charities as moncler reynold jackets they'd like, so they give their money to the few causes that promise to make the biggest difference with their gifts.

Donors fund specifics, not generalities
Given the choice between donating to "End Hunger in Your City" or giving a donation that buys "Thanksgiving dinner for $1.73" for a man at the local homeless mission, you know what the donor will choose. And so does the donor. "How will my donation change the world?" is a question that demands a specific answer, not a general one. Supply the answer and your donor will supply the donation.

Don't ask for a single donations until you can answer this question. That goes for every campaign, every appeal, every ask throughout the year, whether special events, direct mail, email appeal, face-to-face, telephone or online. Answering this question is the key to donor acquisition, renewal, retention, upgrading and lifetime value. Gert this one right, and you'll get your whole program right.

And make sure your answer is clear, concrete and compelling. Your donors demand it, no question about it.

